This page is for me, I have learned not to rely on the internet to keep a history of files and documents I might need in regards to restoration projects, as often sites are taken down and things lost. I will upload a few useful documents and store some links that are very helpful for anyone planning to restore or work on a Bridgeport Series I Mill.

This is a section of PDF’s I’ve collected that have useful information

This section is a list of useful links to helpful rebuild information, and or parts suppliers.
Rockford Ball Screw kit:
All the Series I parts:
Hardinge Parts for knee mills:

This page will likely see a lot of additions as I finish up my rebuild, but I don’t plan to keep links current, if a link is dead let me know and I’ll test/remove it when I have a moment.
Thank you for sharing your experience and information.
Manuals are welcome to me…
Good luck ..
a friend from Brazil